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There-You-Link To Yourself

The meaning of our name

•There: We welcome you where you are in a warm and safe environment

•Te: A professional team is waiting for you to accompany you and guide you

• Link: Connect with a group of people to break isolation and normalize feelings

•Towards: Actualize your potential in order to move towards these objectives

•Self: Reconnect to Self through the experience of the workshops.

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Accompany individuals with professionalism  by recognizing them as the expert of their experience while building on their strengths, in  the awareness of their personal power.


Excel in accompanying adults seeking personal development.


Outside of our area of expertise.

  • Addiction and addiction 

  • Couple therapy 

  • Children and adolescents 

  • Severe and persistent disorders 

  • Untreated Personality Disorders  

  • Domestic violence 

  • Support for victims of criminal or sexual acts 

  • Obligation of the Court of Consultation 

But we can refer you.

Our services are for:

Gender-neutral woman-man aged 18 and over experiencing difficulties in their personal or professional life and who would like support to improve their situation. 

Adult seeking professional services regarding their health, well-being, relationships and/or communications. 

Individual who is looking for answers in his life and who feels the need to be guided (search for meaning). 

Retired person who is looking for meaning in their life or who lives in solitude and who feels the need to live an experience of personal development. 

A disabled person with reduced mobility who would like to be able to benefit from accessible support services. 

Parents avec des enfants vivant de difficultés telles que de l'anxiété, trouble du comportement, etc

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